
Online course work

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Online teaching can allow you to experiment with techniques only available in online environments, such as threaded discussions and webliographies. Provide ideas and techniques to implement in traditional courses Online email discussions, a frequently-used practice in online learning, can be incorporated into traditional courses to facilitate ... The 25 Best Master of Social Work (MSW) Online Degree ... The part-time master in social work online requires 60 credits and includes online college courses in key subjects such as theory and practice of social work, ethics, policy analysis, community engagement, diversity, family and child issues, substance abuse, mental health, and applying research. CITI Program - Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative New Course Available: Laboratory Chemical Safety. This course discusses the requirements for working safely with hazardous chemicals and provides practical guidance on how to minimize occupational exposure that results in adverse physical or health effects. Learn More Courses - NFHS Learn The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Learning Center is an education tool that offers courses to high school coaches, administrators, officials, students, and parents. It provides a variety of program initiatives that reach the 18,500 high schools and over 11 million students involved in athletic and activity programs.

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NWCG Training Catalog | NWCG NWCG Training Catalog NWCG training supports position performance for personnel mobilized to wildland fires and other all-hazard incidents. Click on a title below for description, delivery information, access to materials, and other pertinent information. Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials by Top… Образовательная платформа: о проекте, руководство, карьера, каталог, для бизнеса. Сообщество: партнеры, наставники, переводчики, разработчики, бета-тестировщики. Самые популярные специализации. Популярные курсы. Специализации и курсы, популярные среди...

Free Online Lectures and Courses for Social Work.Social workers are most often separated into two categories: direct-service social workers are those who help people with everyday problems...

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Courses | University of Minnesota Online Individual online or hybrid courses are a convenient way to complete prerequisites, fulfill requirements, enhance career skills, or pursue a personal interest. Online courses require the same amount of work and dedication as classroom-based courses, but are often more self-paced. Generally, one credit is equal to one hour of "class" time ...